Dear DRUK 11,000,

at college life, when I use to be among one of the social drinkers I had a good
experience of how alcohol alter the character of decent people. As a seldom
drinker I use to observe how people act after drinking and found that there are
three stages of alcohol intoxication.
Till 35% intoxication of alcohol people enjoy the company of drinkers,
they share views on intellectual talks which I find is bit encouraging. When
they reach 75% of intoxication level, people start to develop an extra sense
about their behaviors and feel themselves insecure about the situation and
simply worry about what people around them might think about their drinking
characters and finally when people cross 75% of intoxication level they forget about themselves and tend to act
senselessly. Reviewing the story behind
why Buddhist followers are against the consumption of alcohol, I should quote
that the pious monk must have reached beyond 75% of intoxication when he
slaughtered a goat and slept a night with a young lady, which are against the
practice of Buddhist philosophy.
it has been proved that consumption of alcohol is injurious to the health and
it’s a sort of poison that instantly kills a thousand of consumers around the
globe. Despite the tendency of the liver to grow after certain level of damage,
chronic alcoholism results in liver cirrhosis which is the cause of ultimate
the line few months after getting employed as civil servant, although I was
aware of above beliefs and the proven scientific facts, I did drink lot of
alcohol. Brand didn't make much difference, as my sole objective of drinking
was to have intoxication to get rid of mental disturbances that I was suffering
from. Druk 11000, the only beer brand
available in Bhutan after the ban imposed over import of externally
manufactured alcohol products dominated my preference followed by the
highlander whiskey.
drinking habit was in my hereditary line, I could experience that once you are
into alcoholism, the hardly developed good habits easily get wiped away. Prior
to drinking habits of mine, I use to have meals in time regularly in spite of
my marital status as bachelor and everything use to be with routine. The word
called “mess” wasn't in my dictionary until I adopted the habit of drinking.
11000, I am thankful to you for accompanying me during both the happiest and
bad times of me, which I won’t be able to forget you in my life ahead. Being
able to hold you was the pride of me. To be with you was the happiest moment of
my life. But going away from you will be the deadliest nightmare I will ever have
which will haunt me down. Even than I ‘m left with no choices than to go away
from you because of my medical condition.
BYE! DRUK 11000, hope to be with you in future if
my health condition improves and I will miss you.
Yours faithful
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