Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Story about why dog lift their legs while peeing

Once upon a time, there lived a community comprising of different animals both wild and domesticated. Other than Sunday, every animal use to be busy working to make their decent living. During non working days there use to be a games competition among different races of animal. Every animal had their own expertise when it was about games; Kangaroo always stood first in sac race since they are good at hopping and Dog in running.  On fine summer morning, Mr. Dog went on for jogging towards other nearby settlement and he did not miss to see whatever that comes by on his way.  While he was resting on the huge stone on way back to home he saw a gigantic Hare walking near the ruin of unstable wall ready to fall at any time. Suddenly from nowhere, gust of wind struck and the wall was falling in direction of the Hare. Mr. Dog was watching helplessly thinking that the falling wall will crash the Hare but something unexpected occurred. Hare immediately lifted one of his hind legs against the falling wall and stopped the wall from crashing over him.

After witnessing the incident, Mr. Dog got inspired and motivated by what Hare has done. From that day onward  whenever dog pees, be it against wall or any other object, he started lifting his leg like that of Hare in hope of blocking the wall if it happen to fall over him.  Prior to this incident dogs use to pee like any other animal without lifting one of their hind legs.