Thursday, January 31, 2013

Where to find peace?

If one happens to visit Dehradun, a place with extremities in weather condition and a capital of Uttarkhand state, it’s worth visiting the following place.
Stupa dedicated to descending day of lord Buddha 

Eight Rupees drive in a tri wheeled vikram, a local conveyance from the heart of Dehradun city lies a hamlet of Tibetan settlement.  Clement town or the Buddha temple is a name referred by the native inhabitants despite it is known by Mendroling for the Tibetans or the Buddhist disciples.    
Daily hundreds of people from different religious background visit the place seeking solace in either form. Buddhist come to pay homage to the monasteries and Buddha status unlike other who come for recreation since the compound of Mendroling is free from the suffocated city atmosphere.
Giant statue of Lord Buddha 

Goddess Yangchen -ma
A mighty Stupa of roughly 180ft tall is seen standing significantly in the middle of the lawn with lush green grass, dedicated to the descending day of Lord Buddha. Eight small stupas of different architect, four on both side and a statue of gorgeous Goddess Yangchen-ma playing a musical instrument in front of the stupa makes the charm of Mendroling. 
Several meter ahead of reaching to the stupa, a majestic standing statue of Buddha painted with golden in a blessing posture is another architect that drags the attention of the visitors aside of temperature shooting to boiling point during the summer season.
Mendroling goenpa (Monastry) and a Shedra (Buddhist College) are well known for the Nyingma doctrine and pretty good number of monks from Bhutan gets enrolled every year.
As a seldom visitor with the variety in cultural diversity it seems that the stupa with a peaceful surrounding is serving a purpose of recreational park for the youth besides of its prime objective to flourish the doctrine of Buddha dharma.
Provided a surplus time, visitor also enjoys shopping from the facilities offered by the Monastic welfare shopping complex harboured in semi circular building located near the stupa.
Shopping complex


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