eye rising just above the mighty mountains surrounding the settlement located
deep inside the valley resembled almost like a dead town with no much upcoming settlements
regardless of proper town planning. Street light erected on every road side and
a few concrete buildings standing majestically in between the square blocks formed
by crisscross roads reminded me of the mighty Egyptian pyramids in the middle
of the lifeless desert. Extremities in a temperature ranging from below 10oC
to more than 35oC during winter and summer respectively were the
scenario of Tingtibi town a decade ago. As told every coin has two sides,
despite of its lifeless scenario from frequent visitor’s perspective, permanent
resident of the town sees it from other part of the angle leading to its own
fine summer morning of the year 2003, I was taking a walk through the outskirt
of the settlement with one of my friend on the way to my brother’s house
located on other side of the Mangde chu. Being a boarding student of YMSS,
which was five kilometre away on a hilltop from the town, we were allowed to
move out of campus only during the weekends. Although I have walked for
countless time via same route in different occasions, I have never anticipated
something unusual will be sighted.
fasten behind, resembling pony tail, pent folded to her knees with her half
face hidden behind the cloth which she was trying to hang on the rope stretch
in front of her house is how I have seen her for the first time. For a moment
my eyes were focused on her with a hope to see her entire face but unluckily
she disappeared behind the cloth and by the time I could adjust myself in
different angle, she was already gone inside her house with an empty bucket in
her hand. On the way forward I was lost with thoughts about her despite my
friend trying his best to talk with me. Thoughts like how she must be looking?
Who she must be? And started constructing her beautiful face in my mind on the
basis of what I have seen and how pretty she will be looking when she smile.
passed away with our reporting back to respective hostels, and week days were
as usual with regular classes. Although, I was physically present in the class
and hostel, mentally I was haunted by the unusual incident of the weekend and
couldn’t concentrate in any of the ongoing daily activities. But hopefully I
was not acting weird as my friends never noticed any changes in my behaviors.
weekend, desperately with hope of seeing her I visited the town but returned
back with zero success. Then and there my hopes and determination to see her
was shattered into pieces thinking that she must have been a visitor who might
have come to visit relatives of her and was a coincidence for me to sight her a
week ago.
a timid boy, I never visited any other classes or hardly mingled with newcomers
of our school, particularly with the girls. Every year, couple number of new
students use to get enrolled in seventh and ninth grade after graduating from
various primary and lower schools.
much knowledge of how other people will react I shared about the incident to
one of my close friend who was also accompanying me during that weekend. With
no much visible expression of surprise in his oval shaped face, he flatly told
me that I am in love with that girl and she is his childhood friend who is among
one of the newcomer in ninth grade but I tried to defend myself saying it’s not
love rather I just admire her beauty. Because beauty are to be admired and
there is no harm admiring it. Being young and middle secondary school student
with almost childish thinking, it seems I was unable to differentiate between loves
and admire making me unable to digest the comment of my friend who was few
years older than me in spite of our same grade.
Mr. Subbha, talented athlete, good fighter,
extrovert and more important is a close friend of mine, never stopped teasing
me with Dechen, an angle of my little
heart, the day after I have disclosed him about the incident which was supposed
to be a secret between us. And most
embarrassing moment was when he shared every secret with her without my notice.
Lots of things were done by him without my prior notice right under my nose but
in reality I appreciated what he was doing and changes happening in and around
me. Busy matchmaker could be a right
term to describe him by then.
I was timid, Subbha use to woo her for me by visiting her class
and sharing my feeling whenever he is free and towards the night back at our
hostel, sitting on double storied bunk infested with creepy bed bucks waiting
to suck its share of blood from our pale body, he used to share about every
second he have spent with her and their conversation of the day. Although it
might sound funny I use to enjoy a lot listening to his talk and feel as if ‘m
listening to her not him.
went on for almost a month or two and one pleasant afternoon, surprisingly two
of her best friends appeared in front of my class room signalling me to come
along with them. The very moment, my heart beat started accelerating beyond
normal pace and I followed them unwillingly towards the flower garden
surrounded by guava trees. Without much
hint, keeping me standing in middle of them, one of them seriously asked me
with an unexpected question. Making eye contact with mine, with her soft tone
she questioned “Do you genuinely love our
friend Dechen” and left with an option to say just yes or no. For a moment
literally I got blushed and thoughts scattered without anything to answer.
After few second I manage to answer by nodding my head. Then another question
bombarded over before I could speak, “Then
are you ready to be in relation with her”. The moment I heard the question
I was expecting someone to pop up to interrupt two of them interrogating me
like a police but no one appeared. Left with very narrow option I constantly replied
them with affirmative answer without giving much thought over it; after all I
felt that I was desperately in love with her.
Before two of them left me without further interrogation I noticed a
faint smile of satisfaction on their faces. Both of them were newcomer with
whom I wasn’t much friendly and I started examining them from the back when
they were moving few meters ahead of me. From their physical maturity I was
pretty sure that they were plus one or two years elder to me, by then just
fifteen years old boy.
I have been formally introduced and literally we were into relationship after genuinely
accepting my proposal, I was always shy of her and never had courage to date
her. Comparatively she was much more courageous and in several occasions, she
tried her best to approach me to make conversation but all I could do was to
get away from the scene making a lame excuses. Even then, I never missed to see
her face once a day every time during the school days although I hardly talk
with her because of my timidity, an inborn character. Unlike me, she was a day scholar staying at
Tingtibi town which exempt her from several routine activities of the boarding
life and weekends use to be charmless without a chance to see her smile.
or more after being into a typical love affair, we exchanged our photos. The
very first photo of her that she sent to me is still with me being treasured in
my old photo archive. Whenever I see the photo of her in a red T-shirt holding
a child of her sibling and a sentence scribbled on the back of the photo.
Yours new Pal
day she sent her auto writing book so that I could fill up the provided
questions in that book. Although maintaining of such books were a sort of
fashion during that time, I was never interested nor did I participated in
filling up the question from any of such books. So, Subbha started filling up
the blanks for me with his clean girlish handwriting seldom bothering me when
it was regarding my personal details but most embarrassing and a funniest thing
was that he wrote “SONS” in a space demanding to write one’s zodiac signs. That
time neither did I had knowledge about zodiac signs and immediately question
him to clarify my doubt but landed up with his dubious answer. In reality
“SONS” never were among the universally accepted zodiac signs, in fact I belong
to “SAGITTRUS”. Hope she must have
laughed a lot while seeing new zodiac sign created by two of us.
usual summer vacation was over with nothing new happened rather than the hot
weather and seldom heavy rainfall worsening the highway connecting Gelephu
settlement with rest of the central Bhutan. Although it’s a natural tendency of
the student not willing to return back to boarding school from the vacation but
this time I was eagerly waiting to return back to school so as to quench thirst
of loneliness by being around her. On my way back to the school I took a conch
shell and gifted her; in fact it was a first time I have ever gifted. The shell
was carved with single sentence denoting “DON’T
of not dating or getting involved into decent conversation, our relation was
bit typical with its own charm as compared to the normal scenario of what
happens in relationship. Frequently she uses to drop me a message with her
friend, fully written in a code word with a key to break the code and derive
content of the message. Though, it was
difficult for me to break the code despite the provided keys as I wasn’t
familiar with such coding. But deriving the message from coded letter was one
of the most cherishing parts of our relationship.
passed by as usual and we graduated from tenth grade. Although, she managed to
secure a good score; she couldn’t qualify for the government school unlike me.
year she took an admission to one of the private school in Phuentsholing which
was several hundred miles away from Zhemgang where I was supposed to continue
my education. Geopolitically, Zhemgang was located in central Bhutan and
Phuentsoling at extreme south west.
phones were in initial stage during 2005 with its connectivity in just few
major urban areas and were not affordable as a student from a humble family.
And using normal telephone from PCO was comparative expensive in terms of
gap between us seem to be getting wider which couldn’t be filled with our
seldom exchanged letter. Those times, exchanging letters with photographs in it
were never encouraged in the school and privacy was out of question. Prior to
intended recipient of the letter, teachers use to open the envelope and check
the content in it.
the time we graduated from higher secondary education, I totally lost contact
with her. Nor did she try to keep in
contact with me.
fine evening while I was surfing a Facebook during my 2nd year as an
undergrad student in India, I was going through a list of new friend suggestion
in my home page.
a long queue of friend list I was thrilled to see her among others. With quick
reflex I immediately added her to my friend list without much delay and any
second thought.

after more than two years of without contact, finally we could keep in touch
with each other both by social network and phone but not as a lover instead as
a good friend.
obtaining her successful degree in the field of Arts, currently she is employed
in one of the private firm and living happily with her hubby and a kid. On
contrary, I got employed as a civil servant and still hopelessly waiting for perfect
lady to magically popup in my life which will never happen other than in a